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Author Topic: The TV in the Children's Ward  (Read 8144 times)


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The TV in the Children's Ward
« on: May 05, 2012, 09:36:32 pm »
The TV in the Children's Ward

Something was wrong with the TV again
The children had told me,
that they saw it grin.
I didn't believe them,
No-I wouldn't dare.
A child's imagination,
Is beyond compare.

And these sad little children,
with clouds in their minds.
Stare at it for hours,
in the asylums confines.
Sometimes when they're laughing,
at its blank static glow-
You'd think they were playing,
in the TV's white snow.

A few of the nurses,
seem kind of disturbed.
but it calms the kids down,
so they don't say a word.
It just gets so hard,
to pull them away.
When they threaten with violence,
telling all they will pay.

And now it is stuck,
on channel 13.
But it's looking more like,
somewhere in between...

Oh my good god!-
I just heard my name!
In a whispering static-
from the TV it came.

Now it almost looks pretty-
like swarming fireflies...
I gaze at it blankly,
just cause draws my eyes...
Then I see a picture...
Start to come clear...
And the TV man says,
he has truth I should hear...


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Re: The TV in the Children's Ward
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2012, 07:32:47 am »
Indeed, I can agree that it was a good disturbing image this gives.  Having spent time on a childrens ward, I can definitely see where the stimuli for it comes from. 


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Re: The TV in the Children's Ward
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2012, 09:43:14 pm »
Thank you :)  My warped little brain comes in handy sometimes haha