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Author Topic: Great new Computer... same Old Problems.  (Read 5113 times)


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Great new Computer... same Old Problems.
« on: August 26, 2012, 04:54:02 am »
Hail All,

Markus here.

I just thought I'd let you all know that I've recently acquired a brand new computer so I should be able to rejoin my comrades on the battlefield soon... although, after five tries, I'm reasonably certain it won't be in WoW.

Ahem. The real reason I'm writing this to all of you now is that my brand new computer is... shall we say... less than operational.

Don't misunderstand. The internet works flawlessly, the system has a 500GB hard drive which is a major improvement over my other systems.

Everything works okay until I try to play games. I currently have three games installed on this computer and they all work reasonably well.. I have Flight Simulator X and Acceleration pack, I have the Sims 2 Double Deluxe with the University add-on pack and I also have Hard Truck: 18 Wheels American Long Haul.

These three titles I've mentioned above are currently the ONLY games I can play. For example.

I do have Mechwarrior 4 Vengeance and the Black Knight Expansion installed. But every single time I've tried to run those games... well, either it will go as far as playing the opening cinematic and displaying the Profile Creation Screen but any name I type in is flagged as invalid... or it just won't run at all. That was before. Now, with the help of some IT friends of ours, we can launch the game, but just after launch and before the cinematic I get an error message basically saying my hardware doesn't meet the minimum requirements for the game. Now, this is a brand new $670.00 computer, it was listed as a Gaming Machine on the site from which I ordered it. There should be no problem here, and yet, the problems persist.

And that, as they say, ain't all. I just convinced my big sis to shell out $28.00 or so for a brand new copy of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Collection, that's KOTOR 1 and 2 bundled.

We unpacked, we installed, we built a character (Appearance,traits,feats,stats etc.) and clicked the well known "Play" button. Now, normally, you see a loading screen for a second or two with a blue progress bar dead center. The bar fills up and voila you're in the game. Unfortunately, we only got as far as the loading/transition screen when we discovered that nothing happens... the bar doesn't move, the game doesn't progress and is essentially locked, or frozen, in this state.

We tried downloading the latest patches for KOTOR 1 and 2, but all they did was unleash a gremlin that locks the game into what we call the WDB, or "Wrong Disc Bug". To start the game, as always, you put the disc in the drive for either KOTOR 1 or 2, click the associated icon on the desktop and the game launches normally. This new bug seems to have damaged that approach because a popup always appears asking for Kotor disc 1 (or KOTOR2 Disc 1). Even if the correct disc is in the drive, we've retried thousands... well... dozens of retries with no results.

So, with the exception of a few other glitches and gremlins, what I've got here is a nice expensive paperweight that can do everything except what, I hope, it was built to do.

The thing that irks me the most about this is that none of our techie friends seem able to agree on a single answer. I think, the problem is windows 7's utter inflexibility. He thinks it might be the Graphics card or other hardware. She thinks... well... you get the idea.

My Older sister has many friends who are apparently quite skilled at this sort of thing. But even a mutual techie friend of ours had to give up on the mechwarrior problem. So that means it's serious if he can't figure it out.

Help me lads/lasses, I long to return to the days of old where I could do my bit to serve the watchers of the realm.


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Re: Great new Computer... same Old Problems.
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2012, 08:00:17 am »
Well..can drop Win7 from blame.  Is a slew of us gaming using Win7 so the OS in and of itself isn't inimical to gaming.  Though if you have the Aero desktop deal running that can impact performance. 

Mind you COULD be the games are demanding elevated permission (UAC) and if you don't let them they'll hang...but if you had someone with some savvy helping you they'd likely already dealt with that.  If it's full screen, the UAC request might be hiding in background if it didn't trigger on load but later.  Could try running as administrator and seeing if that works - right click the exe file and hit 'run as administrator' when you load up. 

If that works, well..can go about having a shortcut* do that for you.  Seems some older games (though wow shouldn't be on that list, dunno, don't play) that predate the UAC..hate it.  Apparently some newer ones as well.  When they encounter a situation where they need to ask for elevated privileges they just give up instead :P

Hardware wise...
Playing (well attempting to)  standalone games would rule out issues with firewall, NAT or port forwarding...

The loading freezes would make me think faulty RAM or graphics card....but that doesn't explain invalid discs or character names...don't think any hardware could explain the names...

All I can suggest at this point if running the game as admin didn't work, is look at the event viewer (control panel->admin tools) and try to find some of the freezes and such, and see if something triggered.   Of course half the fun is decoding that :P

*Right click the executable file and select 'Create Shortcut'.  Rightclick the created shortcut and select 'Properties'. Under Compatibility tab, checkmark 'Run as Admin'.   Drag the shortcut where ever you want (start menu, desktop, whatever). Can rename it as well if you wish.

Kianne Cassidy

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Re: Great new Computer... same Old Problems.
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2012, 12:28:32 pm »
Well, I can't help you in a general sense, but some searches on KOTOR1 and KOTOR2 indicates that there are version-specific patches. People are reporting that if they patch, say, the regular KOTOR1 with the "Best of PC" patch then they can no longer run the game because KOTOR1 is now looking for the "Best of PC" disc, which they don't have. Take a careful look at whatever patch you install, to make sure it's suitable to your version. (In fact, your versions might already be patched; take a look at the patch numbers before patching.)

I have personally run both KOTOR1 and KOTOR2 on a Windows 7 laptop that was not particularly designed for games, and they work even without administrator privileges--what ends up happening is they try to write to their Program Files directory but Windows shuffles those writes off to some other location instead and it all "just works" (up until you try to actually find your screen shots, of course, and then you end up doing a lot of searching...). I also patched them (though I seem to recall the updaters that come with them didn't work, so I had to patch manually). My version of KOTOR1 came off the "Best of PC" collection. My version of KOTOR2 is the original single-game boxed version bought when it was still being sold separately.

(Note: I don't know about your version of KOTOR2, but mine still uses SecurROM. You can try their website to see if if it's a SecurROM issue: https://support.securom.com/analysis.php or https://support.securom.com/pop_swkotor.html)

If you get past the wrong-disc errors and get back to the hangs, one thing to try doing is hunting down where the game's INI files are being saved (you need the editable locations, not the Program Files locations, unless you're running in administrator mode), and edit the graphical settings. Try changing the resolution to match your screen, for example, or adjust the monitor refresh rate if needed. Those sorts of things. You can also try running in a window, although I found that they're buggier when run in a window than full-screen. See for example: http://www.tweakguides.com/KOTOR2_1.html

"A bonus quest objective popped up: Jump off the collapsing island.  We all put on Feather Fall and jumped.  We all died.  Like lemmings."


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Re: Great new Computer... same Old Problems.
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2012, 07:12:55 pm »

KOTOR2 works on mine.  However, before it WOULD work, I had to do the following:

** When installing game, be sure to install the DX 9 drivers or whatever is on the CD
1)  Patch game up to latest version    (here:   http://www.lucasarts.com/support/     and you'll find links to both KOTOR1 and KOTOR2 patch files)
2)  Set the game executible as running in WINDOWS XP SP3 imitation mode (via right click on the icon, properties, etc)

There was ONE other thing I had to do, and I don't remember right now.   If/when I do, I'll post here.   Otherwise, this might be of use to you:


Support data files for KOTOR 2 on Lucasarts website.   
Wanderer of the Abyss
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