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Author Topic: Something new for the watch.  (Read 5777 times)


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Something new for the watch.
« on: January 08, 2013, 06:24:49 am »
Greetings and good day fellow watchers.

I know not all of you are fans of simulation as I am. However, I feel it is the one venue left unexplored.

Down to the point.

I enjoy Flight Simming in particular. I'm not the best pilot and I don't have the best system set up for flying.

What I'm asking all of you is this: Do you have any interest in Flight Simulations? If you do, would you like to see other members of our group in the skies alongside you? I know that the first thing I do when starting a new (Online) game is to start searching everywhere I can for fellow guild-members in the hopes of adding myself to the roster in game. I have a couple games that aren't strictly online however, FSX included, and I find myself wondering what it would feel like if I were to see familiar, friendly names on the tarmac beside me. Picture it! We all join together on a single server at a single airport. We're all on the same side and there are no weapons. Like the Thunderbirds, or the Blue Angels (or whatever your local favorite FDT (Flight Demo Team) maybe. Unofficially, we meet, we fly together, we chat along the way and we hang out and have fun. Officially, we all fly the same aircraft, we park by rank and file, we take off, we put on one helluva show and we do our best to make it a great show! Then, our performance concludes, we land in formations and we evaluate our performance as to how we can make it even better next time.

Bottom line is this. When I'm not blasting away in STO, or getting blasted in WOT, I'm usually flying. For myself, I like seaplanes such as the Grumman Goose or the Cessna Caravan Amphib. When I fly, I usually like to operate at or near my (current) home field. In this case: Yuma International Airport/Yuma MCAS. Most of the time, I'll go back and forth between Phoenix, but sometimes I'll fly to california, or Nevada or even Texas. I don't like Airliners though. Big, slow moving, slow turning "birds" bore me to death. On the other hand, I'd love to be Marine or AirForce One's pilot, even if I was a reserve. In FSX Acceleration, they give you a taste of just that. You can practice carrier operations, you can test your skill in the Red Bull Air Races, you can even fly for USICE (U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement). There should be missions like in FS2004 where you were less in a Mission, and more on a pleasure cruise.

Off-topic: I remember when I got my SoroSuub Yacht in Galaxies after I downloaded JTL. At first, I set it up the way I wanted it. Luxury all the way. Sometimes though, I'd set it up as a mobile droid shop. (Buy, repair, service, sell, trade). The last thing I remember doing with my yacht is I set the main deck up as if it were a conference room. I wanted to use it as a transport for our guild's VIP's such as Connor and the others.

On topic: I don't know if they've figured a way for FSX Pilots to carry passengers yet except to follow the plane's movements from a 3rd person view. But I would be proud to fly with any of you. Since I can't do that in the real world, and I'd rather not say why here, I can still fly in the Sim world.

As I said, the possibilities are endless here. We could start a whole new company if we get enough interest. We could have one group for stunt pilots, one for airliners/cargo pilots, one for our military enthusiasts like me... the list goes on and on.

All I'm asking, sirs/madams, give this some serious thought. Consider what I've said here and feel free to add your own input. That's what forums are for.

Right now, the only way you can play FS Online is either by a LAN connection to each other's computers, or on Gamespy. I believe you can get free access to FSO in GS, but it is severely limited so I understand. I would rather see the watch fire up its own dedicated server for this so we can decide who plays and who doesn't. As far as I know, Gamespy is the only way to start a group publicly... but I'm sure Tom and the other techies of the watch will find a way to set things up.

To sum it up.

I enjoy Flight Sims (and other forms of Simulation) very much. I'd like to see if anyone else out there shares my interest.

If they do, I'd like to set it up so we can all fly together.

If we get enough interest, I'd like to see Simulations added to the watch's list of games (If it hasn't happened already).

Hope to see you in-game soon. Gotta kick the tires and light the fires  8).

Lili Birchflower

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Re: Something new for the watch.
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2013, 12:11:59 pm »
Is this in any way a multi-player game? 
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Re: Something new for the watch.
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2013, 09:31:03 pm »
Is this in any way a multi-player game? 

Yes, but not in the MMO persistent world type of way.   Think more of an old school single person player with network capability.  One computer, whether as a PC set for hosting, or a server specifically dedicated a portion of CPU time, to allow for networking and hosting of the "local network" game.

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