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Author Topic: The Movie Don Jon  (Read 3717 times)


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The Movie Don Jon
« on: September 27, 2013, 04:56:30 am »
Sorry the video is so quiet I'll use a better camera set up next time... if there ever is a next time lol


My first thoughts:

So, once again through no fault of my own I walked into a movie with expectations. As per usual I was way off base.

Someone in the group before me had mentioned that Don Jon was basically softcore porn. Therefore, I had the expectation of mindless smut with the usual cocktail of drugs, alcohol, addiction and raunchy sex. However, Don Jon isn't about sex. Well it is, BUT it has a message, a moral, a story with meaning. It touches on a subject that is completely and totally pervasive in modern society yet no one ever discusses it. Actually it touches on several subjects that are rarely discussed but probably should be, namely porn addiction, ageism and the profession of sex therapist (Not to be confused with prostitution)

Don Jon is a comedy and the humor is genuinely funny, not raunchy or slapstick. You will laugh, you will emphasize and you will learn something new. Guaranteed.