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- Matthew Mercer (Critical Role)

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Messages - Miriwina

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Ceredwin's Cauldron / Re: A sample of something I am working on
« on: May 28, 2014, 02:36:28 am »
Wow Misty? How did I miss that back in February? You have my email, you could have let me know you had posted a preview here! Now I'm bummed that it took me so long to find this little gem.

As I read, I could feel the poor mother's pain when she received both messages.
I loved the sample. I do secretly hope that the second letter was a set up from the adoptive parents since they knew from the lawyers that the biological mom would try to contact her.

Now I can't wait for it to go live!


Ceredwin's Cauldron / "Quote"
« on: January 30, 2014, 02:10:56 pm »
I just love this quote from Pete Seeger.

"Do you know the difference between education and experience?

Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don't."

Flotsam and Jetsam / Re: I finally published!!
« on: January 14, 2014, 07:16:03 pm »
I posted it on goodreads.com and I just thought I'd post it here too for my guildies to have the chance to win too. :)

Goodreads Giveaway for US and Canada. (Ends on February 14th)

I'm offering a total of 3 copies of my novel The Legacy: Fate.

Blurb: After his spaceship crashes on Earth, Alex makes a strange encounter. The woman isn't like any other he's ever met before; she is vampire.
For her, he will break rules, his people's rules, until there is no turning back. To protect her, he may have to break his most sacred one: the vow not to take a life.

For USA: https://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/78291-the-legacy-fate-the-legacy-1?

For Canada:  https://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/78292-the-legacy-fate-the-legacy-1?

Good luck!

(I want to apologize for the people outside of these two countries. I need to figure out how much it would cost before I attempt a Giveaway elsewhere.)

Flotsam and Jetsam / Re: I finally published!!
« on: September 27, 2013, 01:59:08 am »
Well today was unmistakably and most certainly one of the best for me.
It's a good thing the curtains and the blinds were closed when I did that happy dance in the living room, or else the neighbors would have thought me crazy for sure.
I know the dogs did! :o

Yep-yep, today, I got my first Amazon review, which is also my first official review on any site, and it came from one of our guildies! Thank you so much Zach! You really, but REALLY made my day!

Flotsam and Jetsam / Re: I finally published!!
« on: September 16, 2013, 12:50:47 am »
Ah thanks for the idea! I didn't think about that.

May I keep the email the website has in file for you?

If you prefer another one, you can always email me at Goldmoons@hotmail.com and I will make sure you know the minute I'm done with The Legacy: Destiny. :)

Flotsam and Jetsam / Re: I finally published!!
« on: September 14, 2013, 10:55:51 pm »
Iko: Thank you for your kind words. :)

Starfire: Sometimes I wonder if people even read it so it's nice to have some feed back.   Thank you so much!  :-*

About Amazon.com: I was supposed to have them push for an update but I should have checked how they proceed first. It seems I had to have examples of the changes that were made and from there they would decide if they would make it available. Sadly I didn't take any notes before I uploaded the new file.
Be sure that next time I do, I will note everything down.

Barnes and Nobles and Kobo: The book can now be found in those two stores. I am still waiting for it to appear in ITunes.

Flotsam and Jetsam / Re: I finally published!!
« on: September 07, 2013, 01:56:18 am »
For this weekend only (up until September 10th) you can get the book free on smashwords.com

Simply go to https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/352802
(You will have to create an account if you don't have one already, but they don't ask for credit card)

After adding the book to the cart, enter this coupon code ZH93H and click adjust price.
The price will change to 0 cent. All you have to do next is choose the format of your choice from Kindle, Epub, PDF, RTF (works on most word processors), LRF and plain text.

Please! Help raise the download count! 8)


Flotsam and Jetsam / Re: I finally published!!
« on: September 05, 2013, 05:59:07 am »
Thanks Mistypooh and Thanks Sorahl.  :-*

Sorahl, you should get an email by Amazon soon, and if you don't, let me know and I will find a way to get you the latest copy. Sorry about that.

Flotsam and Jetsam / Re: I finally published!!
« on: September 03, 2013, 06:12:26 am »
Ah thank you!  :-*

Just so you know, I will push an update on Amazon soon. When I formatted the manuscript for Kindle, all the italic passages had been removed. I thought I had corrected them all, but I realized I had missed many. I also fixed the first two chapters, which I found too choppy.
Once I upload the new version, I will ask Amazon to notify the buyers so they can update their file.  (Of course, there will be no charge.)
I am revising it all so I will not have to bug the people and Amazon too often. It's so much easier to do that on Smashwords.

I haven't given up on the idea of a professional editing, but I am not willing to pay in the thousands for it and the one I hired a few months ago was not much more than a human word processor. It would have been funny if not for the waste of time and money. :(

Flotsam and Jetsam / I finally published!!
« on: August 31, 2013, 12:25:44 am »
Hey guys,

Where else than with friends can I celebrate this event?
I want to share the news with you all. My book, The Legacy: Fate, has been published on Smashwords: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/352802
They have all popular formats there for every device. Within a week or so, thanks to Smashwords, it should appear on major ebook stores such as Barnes and Nobles, ITunes, Kobo, Sony etc. By tomorrow afternoon (August 31st) it will also be available on Amazon.com. (And it's only priced at 99cents :P)

Whether you want to buy it or not, it's fine with me, but could you please (please! PLEASE!) visit my facebook fanpage and hit 'like'? That would help promote the book.

Thank you so much!

Miri (Who is so happy, she can't stay put more than two minutes!)

General Discussion / Re: Just for fun
« on: July 07, 2013, 06:21:54 am »
I knew that!!!! ;D

That's when a LIKE button would come in handy!    O:)

General Discussion / Re: Old DAOC player
« on: April 20, 2013, 06:07:52 pm »
We'll be checking for you!

How old is the computer is not so much the problem. My HP Computer has played wow without problem and rift could run with the graphics to the minimum.
Your flash game problems could be caused by something else. I had a program I had to uninstall on my HD. It was eating up the memory and using 100% of the cpu after a few hours of running. It was not a virus.. just a bad prg for my WD portable drive and it works without it so.. out it went and now the computer runs like a Cheetah :P

General Discussion / Re: Old DAOC player
« on: April 17, 2013, 12:07:23 pm »
cut down on the name changes? haha I only changed it once since then and even at that, I had a Miriwina in DAOC, a bard I played only in battleground.

Wow almost done with the masters? GRATS!!So what did our little Feneio will become? What did you master in (if I may ask?)

Auto follow... well... everyone was always auto following someone. It was like a trend in there. Those events where we would follow.... outch cant remember his name... a big huge tank... and he would go on and kill mobs and most of the time we were just following and following... boy was the leveling part a bitch.

I have played World of Warcraft for many years after Daoc. Now I play a game called Rift. Both games are much easier on caster than DOAC. yeah a caster can cast even if under attack!! These days I mostly pvp. I am not a fan of instances. Contrarely to DAOC, these games have 'instances' where your group/raid enters an area where no one else can go. There we fight large big meany monsters. Instances aren't bad, but with raid monsters I cant stand the: when the mob does this jump, if he does that back up, or that, run to him and stand on him etc etc.. it makes me feel as if I was dancing the macarona (Sp??) THat is why I stick to pvp. No dance there hehe

Wow and Rift are two good games, but I don't know about wow now, since I quit 2 years ago, but rift requires a powerful computer. you may be able to play with a lesser one but then you need to turn most of the graphics effect off and believe me the game does not look the same.

ahaha yeah I remember that RBW FTW.... you would be quiet for the longest time then BOOM you'd yell that hahaha

General Discussion / Re: Old DAOC player
« on: April 16, 2013, 02:54:03 pm »
Oh my, FENEIONA!!!
I remember you!! So glad to see you!! How have you been??? And where?!?! :P
Hmm it's been so long, I don't think you will remember me... but if I can remember my chars' names in there it might help. :P
Murana I believe was my main. Hmm Ferrie Tale was another, Miriamele, I know I had more but I can't remember.
Gosh I can't believe how bad my memory is :(

What game(s) are you playing these days??

Flotsam and Jetsam / Re: My reprieve
« on: March 24, 2013, 09:11:42 pm »
well admitting it is the first step... you can still consult a doctor for anger management issues. :P

Flotsam and Jetsam / Re: My reprieve
« on: March 24, 2013, 08:40:53 pm »

Please, do not be afraid to consult a doctor if you cannot shake those feelings away. He or she will not look at you as if you come from another world because you do. Many people get depressed nowadays. It's a common thing. I waited almost 4 years before going myself. A huge mistake since I feel as if I have wasted those years. Life is so much more enjoyable when not depressed.

Good luck whatever you do.

General Discussion / Re: How to Catch A Canadian
« on: March 23, 2013, 01:04:20 pm »
ROFL!!!! good one!

And I agree with Laerhith, it has to be Canadian beer though.. American one won't cut it :P

Maple syrup, bacon too.. if you want to catch a Quebecois, use a Poutine... it will work just as well!

Wow! You've got some serious talent! I love it!
Was that made on paper or directly on computer??

Ceredwin's Cauldron / Re: The Vampire Legacy
« on: February 26, 2013, 12:10:12 pm »
AHAHA it took me a few seconds to understand the "Go team Jacob!" part   :-[

Check the email you entered on the website.  :)

Ceredwin's Cauldron / Re: The Vampire Legacy
« on: February 23, 2013, 05:35:14 pm »

Yet again, thank you Kheld for your kind word.  :-*

Many people have received the book around the same time you did, but you might be the only one who has read it entirely yet.
I am pretty sure a busy life has made them forget about it, but I am waiting patiently for any comments.

Please please, any one who has read it, give me your thoughts, even if you stopped reading it because it was not your style or you did not like it.
Quite honestly, the silence is killing me more than a bad review could ever do.

BTW, if I were to self-publish as you mentioned, I would need a description of the book. Revealing enough without saying too much is quite a challenge for me.
Besides, it needs to appeal to people as well as intrigue them enough to provoke some interest. I have written an essay, a small one, but does it really say enough?

Book I: Fate,

     An untimely accident brought Alex back to Earth, a planet he visited a few times already in the past.  There, he encounters a different kind of beings he never knew even existed. Widely similar to his own species, however, they have one thing that sets them apart—they feed on human blood. Not judgmental by nature, he befriends some of them.
     During his quest to repair his ship and go back to his own world, he will come to realize that his unfortunate fate might not be a coincidence after all, but only his Leaders could give him the answers he seeks, and he is far from home, stuck on the third planet from a star called Sun.

General Discussion / Re: Ereaders
« on: February 22, 2013, 01:32:00 pm »
I love my Ipad Mini, but now that I see hubby with his Nexus. I was afraid that I would be stuck you like Kheld and that is why I went with Apple, but the Nexus reminds me of a portable hard drive since it is as easy as one to move things from comp to it. I don't know which program he uses for books since he is more of a paper book kind of guy but he did install one to put mine on it and it worked. It does not show the cover, and he also complains that the prg could be written a little better. I know he had Nook and Kindle app but I believe the one he uses for my book is yet another one (But don't quote me on that, I'll have to ask him. Anyway, Nexus and Galaxy tabs are still different so that pgm might not be found for Galaxy either.

With apple though it is the same. I haven't found a way to even see the books I purchased on Amazon or B&N on my computor. I mean they are on the ipad, i can read them, but I have no idea if they are stored on my computor somewhere. If so, the files are hidden.

Also for those who will buy Apple Ipad/Itouch/Iphone. Make sure to test the camera (especially the front one) as they seem to have defects. Apps will crash and/or restart when using facetime, photoboot or just the plain front camera. I had to have mine replaced ( the ipad not just the camera) because of it. Although they are real nice about it and did not give me any trouble for the exchange, the warranty still continues from date of purchase, so now I hope nothing else will break that would be a lot more important than a camera.. :/

Ceredwin's Cauldron / Re: A soap opera
« on: February 20, 2013, 04:26:27 pm »
hahaha Love it!

Beware what you ask!
Sometimes it is better just to keep our mouth shut :P

Yeah, it's just a joke about bad customer service, I get it. I've dealt with plenty of agents who should be in another line of work, like cleaning latrines. If anyone "didn't appreciate" my reply, I don't care.

And yeah, military service members get maligned a lot worse than most career fields, except maybe dentists :)

You are being plain rude. You did not have to add that you did not care. This is blatant lack of diplomacy. One not expected especially from a "customer service representative".


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