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- Major Chip Hazard (Small Soldiers) 1998

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Messages - Kheldarren

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Flotsam and Jetsam / If you happen to be in the Coast Guard
« on: February 26, 2013, 03:04:32 pm »
I would like to extend a thanks to the men and women that man the Coast Guard stations, especially the one in St. Joseph, MI.

Last summer, a friend of mine arranged it with the CG station to allow his dad to take a tour of the cutter they had. He was an avid sailor and had always loved seeing those fast, powerful boats. Not only did they grant this request and give him a tour, but they took the boat out on the Lake and let him stand on the bow and basically treated him like royalty. He talked about that trip for the rest of his life. He passed away a few months after this, but that trip on the cutter meant a lot to him and on his behalf, and his son's, I would like to extend a thanks to all members of the Coast Guard in all the many ports that serve the people of the United States. You people have my respect, both as a 6 year military veteran and a 16 year (so far) police veteran.

Ceredwin's Cauldron / Re: Twas The Night Before Christmas
« on: February 26, 2013, 02:54:51 pm »
You know, I have read this many times over the last few years since it was posted and I never commented. It always stirs emotions in me. I remember standing the watch when I joined the Army in 1986. I stand in a blue uniform now with shiny (and very non-tactical) things, but it is still the same concept. "Not on my watch." I don't serve daily like I did in the 80s. I do honor those that do.

I think about those that put on that uniform every day and stand watch in many different ways. Politics are an annoyance to them. They have a mission. They have honor, integrity, and pride. They place their lives on the line for people they don't know and will never know. They get paid at a rate that would never work in the civilian world.

As you go about your day, keep them in mind. If you happen to see one, thank them for their service. They will only nod and give a short "You're welcome" for an answer, but believe me when I say it will brighten their whole day. They may not ask for thanks, but they surely deserve it. That person in the green or blue uniform would die for you. What will you do for them?

We have the best Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard in the world. Bar none.

At first I thought Moz's post was sarcasm. Kind of like "Oh yes, we are the worst thing ever" and mocking it humorously. Then I read further and discovered he was serious. The only problem is that he can't be serious. It was an obvious joke and NO ONE is that thin skinned as to take real offense at something that is legendary like poor customer support. I man an IT help desk as part of my IT job and part of my part time job at the police department. I not only didn't take offense at the joke, but thought it was quite funny. Someone post one about bad IT help desk support. I can use a good laugh and we post those on the company bulletin board for all to see because we have a good sense of humor here.

The problem is that he is trying to say he is courteous and patient with people as a customer service rep, only to show exactly the opposite side here. Doesn't make a single person have sympathy for his "plight", but it does make us believe even more strongly that customer service reps are rude and uncaring.

I'm going to intentionally think that he was having a really bad day and we just caught him at a bad moment. I've had bad days and lashed out at people when I didn't really mean it, so let's go on that path and assume that's what happened to him.

Sorry you had a bad day, Moz. I hope it gets better.

Ceredwin's Cauldron / Re: The Vampire Legacy
« on: February 26, 2013, 02:16:52 pm »
Anyone else wanting to read it? I finished it and have been hounding the poor girl for the next book. It's great.

Basic synopsis:
Alex crashes and comes across a group of people that seems to be just like him. He finds out fairly quickly that they are very similar, but also very different. Love, plots, action, betrayal, and twists galore await you when you open The Vampire Legacy.

And that is just book one...

Ceredwin's Cauldron / The Vampire Legacy
« on: February 22, 2013, 12:03:56 am »
Miriwina wrote a book! It's book 1 in a series and I am hounding the poor girl for the next book. Have you read it? What do you think of it? I loved it. I really love how she took a genre that is starting to get old and brought a great new twist to it. The downside to it was that I would lay down in bed and "I'll just read one chapter. No more!" and then check the clock to see 2:30am with the alarm set for 6:30.

Wait, you haven't read it yet? PM Miri! PM her now!

Once there are a few people that have read it, I would love to discuss it here. What are you waiting for?

General Discussion / Re: Ereaders
« on: February 21, 2013, 11:57:48 pm »
Thanks for the info on the Bluefire Reader! I wanted something nice to read ePubs on my Galaxy Tab 7" and the nook app stinks unless you buy the book through them. I read Miriwina's fantastic book (which you need to read if you haven't yet) on the nook software on my PC, but the Android version won't let me add my own ePubs.

Generally I read books on my iPad that work supplies, but I really like how handy my 7" tablet is. I like both iOS and Android, but don't want a Kindle or nook as they are too tied to their retailers.

Did I mention Miri's book?

Thanks for not arguing. Thanks for being so full of yourself. Thanks for trying to make me look like an imbecile. Talk more on a level that no one but a top level network pro will EVER use? Make you sound important? Glad you think so. Overdo your home network in an effort to look impressive much? You're being an elitist and trying to show off an education. A difference that makes no difference - is no difference.

I hope you read it all as it will help in your future endeavor
Wow, can you possibly be more pompous? I'm just astounded.

I use more simple terms and generalities that are 100% correct (unless you want to try to make someone look bad, like you did). I explain things that the average person understands, not that you need a CCNP to grasp. I have a more complicated home network than 99.9% of the IT people I know do, and it's nothing like you claim yours is. I believe yours is like that. You seem the type to overdo things like that. Have fun with it if it makes you happy.

Maybe have Ivan give you some tips on what punctuation is, too.

This is like a Ferrari mechanic analyze a Honda Civic. Respond if you will, I won't even read it. I'm done. Feel free to make another comment that will make you look good and important, while putting me down at the same time - like you have been.

I love how you don't want to argue, then argue. Oh well.

A Layer 3 switch is one that can intelligently route. A layer 2 switch is a dumb device. It cannot make decisions about traffic, it just sends the packets. A layer 3 device truly routes. The small switches are layer 2 and are only for expanding network connectivity. Almost all home routers come with switches built into the back of them in 4, 5, or 8 port varieties. Those are what you use until you simply need more ports. Then you add a dumb switch because the router is handling the decisions and adding another layer 3 device simply messes things up unless there is a specific purpose, which almost never happens at home. I can't see anyone needing to subnet their home.

Most routers nowadays have firewalls in them. A router acts as a firewall just in how it functions, because no packets are sent to the internal network unless requested or set to forward. Additional firewall functionality (a very good thing) means that DoS attacks are recognized and stopped, as well as most types of attempts to penetrate the network using nefarious means. The best firewalls use SPI, or Stateful Packet Inspection. I always tell my customers not to get a router unless it has firewall functionality in addition to what you get by just being a router. The Netgear ProSafe line is good with that because they all have the SPI firewall. They are also easy to set up and fairly inexpensive, which fits right into Kayhynn's article.

There is also the firewall software built into the operating system, whether Windows or Mac. This should always be on unless you are running firewall software that is more comprehensive, such as ZoneAlarm. Any tech support person that tells you that you should just turn off the firewall should be ignored immediately, hehe.

D-Link and Netgear don't make 4-port layer 3 switches. They make 5 port layer 2 switches, but none that are layer 3. Home based routers are layer 3 and most have firewall functionality in them.

We use a Cisco PIX here at work, and I used a Netgear FVS-318 for a number of years for the SPI firewall, and those are really worth their weight in gold. For home use for those that want top notch security, I love the Netgear FVS-114 or FVS-318. I also love the Apple Airport Extreme (which is what I use).

I can't wait for Part 8. It will be interesting to see your opinion.

Or you can do what I do and pay cash for everything. I have a student loan I'm paying off, but zero other debt.

The BEST advice I ever ever got: http://www.daveramsey.com/

100% down and $0 monthly payments = WIN!
Credit cards = FAIL!

For those that use Windows 7, they have added parental controls that are actually useful. I highly recommend their use for surfing and gameplay.

Basically what this one feature does is the same as what Deep Freeze does, but instead of having to restart your computer, you only have to log off. Everything you've done while logged into this account is undone.

Use the admin account for updates and things, but use the regular account for surfing. Totally safe. You can have a separate area that is untouched and you can save files there, or even use a USB drive or thumb drive.

General Discussion / Re: Star Trek Online
« on: December 08, 2009, 02:26:25 pm »
This looks awesome. I might just take the leap if they have a Mac client.

General Discussion / Re: Greetings Connor and Oldtimers of long ago.
« on: November 18, 2009, 02:30:31 pm »
Hi again, Tira!

<-- Mandorallen

General Discussion / Re: Happy Thanksgiving!
« on: October 12, 2009, 04:02:20 pm »
Indeed, happy Thanksgiving to our friends up in Canadia.

General Discussion / Re: Your favorite memories of your Dad
« on: June 12, 2009, 12:59:46 pm »
I can't believe I forgot to leave mine!

My favorite memories of my Dad is working on things with him out in the barn. He would slip from time to time and I'd actually hear him swear, then he'd tell me "Don't repeat that to your mother". He would also play a joke or come up with a clever comment and we'd get to see his famous grin. I think that's one of the things my Mom and I both miss a lot is that grin. He was normally a very serious person, so seeing the grin meant he was in a good mood and having fun.

General Discussion / Your favorite memories of your Dad
« on: June 11, 2009, 03:22:16 pm »
With Father's Day fast approaching (and me being a father a few times over), I have been wondering what my kids favorite memories are/will be. Share with us your favorite memories of your father and then, after you wrote them down and smile - call your father and share them with him. I guarantee you'll make his day.

General Discussion / Re: David Eddings passed on....
« on: June 05, 2009, 04:57:13 pm »
I am so sad to hear this. David and Leigh were my favorite authors. Most of my toons names were derived from one of their series. At least he got to do what he enjoyed for a very long time, and the world is a better place because of it.

General Discussion / Re: Okay, I'm a Geek.
« on: April 28, 2009, 03:56:22 pm »
You just keep on thinking that. :)

General Discussion / Re: Conficker.c
« on: April 10, 2009, 04:20:17 pm »
I have a couple of friends that are on dial up (we live in the boonies) and I help them by downloading those onto a flash drive so they can install them that way. It's normally only once per month, so it's easy. The very large patch days go onto a USB hard drive. I even burn service packs to CD for multiple friends (and to use at work).

I'm the update king, hehe.

General Discussion / Conficker.c
« on: April 02, 2009, 08:12:49 pm »
For those of you not well informed of what is going on with that new virus threat, here is a bit more information from a trusted source:


Anyone running a Windows box should read this and take proper precautions, including the suggested eye test. This thing isn't doing anything right now, so many are getting very complacent, but it is a ticking time bomb that can literally go off at any time. Be prepared.

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