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- Vernon Sanders Law, 1960

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General Discussion / H Company is hiring...(repost)
« on: June 08, 2015, 11:21:21 am »
People of H co.,

Your imperious overlord (also known as your XO, or "Who? Oh, I thought he quit playing.") is looking to pass on his mantle of leadership to someone with either an excessive amount of spare time or who would really like to help take H co. to where ever it's headed next (it would be my preference that it's the latter.)

I volunteered/was offered a chance to do other things for the watch that better suit my peculiar skill set, and odd gaming habits (read: My inability to focus on just a couple games at a time.) If you would like to try your hand at being a company officer, and you feel like you this position would suit you well please message me on FB, the forums, or in game, and we'll go over what all the job the entails, and see if helping lead the awesome bunch of folks in H Company is the job for you.


Flotsam and Jetsam / What are you listening to....
« on: January 15, 2014, 02:54:58 am »
I do this on every message board I've ever been on. I don't get the chance much these days as I'm mostly on FB, and have been pretty anti social the last few years, but I digress...

So what are you listening to now or, if you prefer, what do you like to listen to while you're gaming?

At the moment I'm listening to Skeleton Witch, and while I game I usually go with either Motorhead or Combichrist. Motorhead is great for WoT, and Combichrist is fun in PoE or Minecraft.

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