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- Ash (Evil Dead / Army of Darkness)

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Topics - Cyberjudge Optimus

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Anybody have a beta key for Skyforge?
« on: June 25, 2015, 03:39:05 pm »
Hi All,
Cyberjudge here, I've stepped away from MMO gaming for a while now do to life being so busy. I'm thinking Skyforge may pull me back in. I see they are doing there final closed beta right now and was wondering if anybody had any beta keys they are willing to give out? Id be interested if you do. Thanks.

General Discussion / Anybody playing Call of Duty - Modern Warefare 2?
« on: February 12, 2010, 03:11:51 pm »
Hi All,
I've been playing COD: Modern Warefare 2 for a couple of months now. The graphics are great. I'm just wondering if anybody else is playing. The developers removed the ability to have private servers in the game and they now use steam. If you are playing and play the mulitplayer (which I would think if you have the game that is what you are doing) then post your username on these forums and I'll add you as a friend. If we have enough of us RBWers (need 8) we could meet up one night and do a team death match, 8 of us vs who ever else joins the game. Though they don't have private servers in the game, before joining a game you can invite your friends on your friends list to join your group. By doing that and then launching in to one of the team based game types (in other words anything except Free for All) we will all enter the game on the same team. It's kind of designed the way they have always done console multiplayer.

General Discussion / Another fun webgame I have found - Ikariam
« on: September 11, 2008, 01:18:51 am »
Hail and well met all,
Found another web based game that is really fun to play. The game is called Ikariam. This game is fairly different then Travian (mentioned on a different post) but is still fun to play. This game does not have a referral program in place so feel free to just visit http://ikariam.com/index.php and join the Eta server. I am on their as Cyberjudge and already have two cities.

General Discussion / Travian
« on: August 28, 2008, 10:54:40 pm »
Hail and well met watchers,
I have been playing an online game called Travian over the past month or so and have been really having fun. The game does not require a lot of attention (usually you do a couple of things and then leave it for a while). I'm feeling a little lonely in the game though. The game is sorta like Civilization (but without the graphics and set in medievil times). I was hoping to recruit some new players to this game and eventually we can maybe start an alliance. if you are interested please send me an email (cyberjudge@royalblackwatch.net) and I will send you an invite. Please go through me for the invite as I will earn gold to purchase enhancements (only other way to earn gold is to pay real money for it).
To see more info about Trivian go to http://www.travian.us/. If you wish to join me, I'm in US server 1.

Rather then sending me an email just visith http://www.travian.us/?uc=us1_122130 and I will get the refferal.

General Discussion / Hellgate London
« on: December 27, 2007, 02:31:03 am »
Hail and well met watch,
Just wondering if we have any watchers playing Hellgate. My wife bought me the game for Christmas. I have been playing it a bit.
As of now I do not plan on upgrading my account to the subscription plan but so far I have seen no reason to. Are we going to form RBW in Hellgate? One draw back to not having a subscription account is that I would not be able to create the guild, I can join one but to create a guild you have to have a subscription account, oh and I believe 10k in game money to purchase the guild thing.

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