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 Role-Play Storytelling
- Antonio "Scarface" Montana (Scarface) 1983
Here is where you can find and post individually and collaboratively written stories. Come join your fellow guild members to write stories together!

You don't have to be "a role-player" or "a writer" to participate; just enjoy writing as much or as little as you want. Zero pressure! And you don't have to get on the forum every day; if you check in once a week to catch up on the story so far and contribute a few lines to the story, you'll do just fine. Want to write whole chapters? Go for it! Checking in to write entries more often will result in greater influence on the direction of the story as your character continues to navigate his/her way through the plot. It's a lot of fun to see everyone contribute their perspective on the story, and to gain insight into how guild members see their characters, no matter how short, long, simple, or complex their posts to the story.

As always, remember the two basic rules of role-play: Rule #1 of role-play: Have fun. Rule #2 of role-play: When in doubt, refer back to rule #1.
Possible Races:
  • Amoeba
  • Amorphous
  • Aquatic
  • Archaeopteryx
  • Banshee
  • Bipedal
  • Borg
  • Canine
  • Celestial
  • Centaur
  • Crystalline
  • Deity
  • Draconic
  • Dragonborn
  • Draugr
  • Dwarf
  • Elf
  • Equine
  • Ethereal
  • Ewok
  • Faun
  • Feline
  • Gargoyle
  • Gelatinous
  • Ghost
  • Giant
  • Gnome
  • Goblin
  • Half-Elf
  • Half-Human
  • Half-Orc
  • Human
  • Humanoid
  • Ithorian
  • Jawa
  • Kender
  • Klingon
  • Komodo Dragon
  • Lich
  • Mynock
  • Nord
  • Numenorean
  • Orc
  • Redguard
  • Reptilian
  • Revenant
  • Robotic
  • Romulan
  • Rug Rat
  • Satyr
  • Shape-shifter
  • Silicon-based
  • Spore
  • Tauntaun
  • Titan
  • Toydarian
  • Twi'lek
  • Uruk-hai
  • Vulcan
  • Wampa
  • Wookie
  • Wraith
  • Yeti
  • Ysalamiri
Possible Classes:
  • Adept
  • Air Jockey
  • Airman
  • Alchemist
  • Amateur
  • Archer
  • Artist
  • Assassin
  • Bard
  • Bartender
  • Blacksmith
  • Blade
  • Bookseller
  • Browncoat
  • Candy Striper
  • Centurion
  • Clergy
  • Cleric
  • Combat Typist
  • Convenience Store Clerk
  • Couch Potato
  • Cowboy
  • Craftsman
  • Craftswoman
  • Cubs Fan
  • Dancer
  • Deathlord
  • Destroyer of worlds
  • Diesel Mechanic
  • Disc Jockey
  • Doctor
  • Door Gunner
  • Dragonborn
  • Dream Weaver
  • Dreamer
  • Driver
  • Dungeon Crawler
  • Emperor
  • Engineer
  • Evil Overlord
  • Explorer
  • Extraordinaire
  • Farmer
  • Fighter
  • Fisherman
  • Folklorist
  • Force-sensitive
  • Force User
  • Game Show Host
  • Games Tester
  • Gladiator
  • Gunslinger
  • Gunsmith
  • Highlander
  • Impressive Clergyman
  • Infiltrator
  • Jack-of-all-trades
  • Jedi
  • Jester
  • King
  • Knight
  • Knight-Errant
  • Legend
  • Legionnaire
  • Life Guard
  • Locksmith
  • Lord High Commissioner
  • Lumberjack
  • M.A.C.O.
  • Mad Scientist
  • Mage
  • Magic User
  • Magister
  • Mall Cop
  • Man of action
  • Marine
  • Master
  • MechWarrior
  • Medic
  • Mercenary
  • Merchant
  • Miner
  • Monk
  • Nerf Herder
  • Ninja
  • Noble
  • Nurse
  • Padawan Learner
  • Paladin
  • Para-Pro
  • Philosopher
  • Pikeman
  • Pilot
  • Praetorian
  • Preacher
  • Priest
  • Professional
  • Professor
  • Prowler
  • Psionic
  • Queen
  • Ranger
  • Red Shirt
  • Rent-a-cop
  • Rock Star
  • Rogue
  • Rune Mage
  • Sailor
  • Samurai
  • Scientist
  • Scout
  • Security Guard
  • Sellsword
  • Semi-Pro
  • Shadow Dancer
  • Shadow Sorcerer
  • Shaman
  • Shipwright
  • Shopkeeper
  • Sith
  • Sniper
  • Soldier
  • Sorcerer
  • Space Marine
  • Store Owner
  • Stormtrooper
  • Student
  • Superhero
  • Supreme Leader
  • Swashbuckler
  • Swimmer
  • Tank Driver
  • Tavernkeep
  • Teacher
  • Tech
  • Templar
  • Thief
  • Toy Maker
  • Veterinarian
  • Viking
  • War Boy
  • Warlord
  • Warrior
  • Weaponsmith
  • Wizard
  • Woman of Action
  • Wrestler
Possible Roles:
  • Guild Member
  • Recruit
  • Inactive Member
  • Senior Guild Member
  • Guild Officer
  • Not On Game Roster
Max Level:99
Multiclassing:3 classes
Campfire: A few scattered bedrolls and a barely warm bed of embers. (Game has no real organization.)