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 Star Wars: The Old Republic
- Nuwanda (Dead Poets Society)
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Server:Star Forge
Max Level:75
SWTOR Participation Award
SWTOR Participation Award (1 Star)
SWTOR Participation Award (2 Star)
SWTOR Participation Award (3 Star)
SWTOR Participation Award (4 Star)
SWTOR Participation Award (5 Star)
SWTOR Level 25 Achievement Award
SWTOR Level 50 Achievement Award
SWTOR Level 60 Achievement Award
SWTOR Level 65 Achievement Award
SWTOR Level 70 Achievement Award
SWTOR Level 75 Achievement Award
SWTOR Flashpoint Esseles Award
SWTOR Flashpoint The Black Talon Award
SWTOR Flashpoint Hammer Station Award
SWTOR Flashpoint Athiss Award
SWTOR Flashpoint Mandalorian Raiders Award
SWTOR Flashpoint Taral V Award
SWTOR Flashpoint Boarding Party Award
SWTOR Flashpoint Directive 7 Award
SWTOR Flashpoint Maelstrom Prison Award
SWTOR Flashpoint Battle of Ilum Award
SWTOR Flashpoint False Emperor Award
SWTOR Flashpoint The Foundry Award
SWTOR Flashpoint Red Reaper Award
SWTOR Flashpoint Colicoid Wargame Award
SWTOR Flashpoint Cademimu Award
SWTOR Flashpoint Kaon Under Siege Award
SWTOR Flashpoint Lost Island Award
SWTOR Operation: The Eternity Vault - 8 Man Story Mode Award
SWTOR Operation: The Eternity Vault - 8 Man Hard Mode Award
SWTOR Operation: The Eternity Vault - 8 Man Nightmare Mode Award
SWTOR Operation: The Eternity Vault - 16 Man Story Mode Award
SWTOR Operation: The Eternity Vault - 16 Man Hard Mode Award
SWTOR Operation: The Eternity Vault-16 Man Nightmare Mode Award
SWTOR Operation: Karraga's Palace - 8 Man Story Mode Award
SWTOR Operation: Karraga's Palace - 8 Man Hard Mode Award
SWTOR Operation: Karraga's Palace - 8 Man Nightmare Mode Award
SWTOR Operation: Karraga's Palace - 16 Man Story Mode Award
SWTOR Operation: Karraga's Palace - 16 Man Hard Mode Award
SWTOR Operation: Karraga's Palace - 16 Man Nightmare Mode Award
SWTOR Operation: Explosive Conflict - 8 Man Story Mode Award
SWTOR Operation: Explosive Conflict - 8 Man Hard Mode Award
SWTOR Operation: Explosive Conflict - 16 Man Story Mode Award
SWTOR Operation: Explosive Conflict - 16 Man Hard Mode Award
SWTOR Roleplayer Award
Waystation: A lovely spot wherein Watchers might meet irregularly to venture forth. (Game has a few members playing and some assets.)